Warmup Wednesdays – March 18th

For this weeks Warmup Wednesday we had to give our protagonist a phobia: 

Jeff Rowley Jaws Peahi 31 December 2012 Paddle In Surfing. CC2.0 photo by Jeff Rowley.Jeff Rowley Jaws Peahi 31 December 2012 Paddle In Surfing. CC2.0 photo by Jeff Rowley.

Gulls Eye

It’s amazing out here on the water, I love it more than anything. That feeling of freedom as the spray catches the sunlight. Pure bliss.

Unfortunately there’s one small problem. The bloody seagulls. They hover above me, waiting to strike. For a while I tried to avoid them, but they’re drawn to me, as if they recognize the five year old they mugged for chips. The doctor says I have Laridaphobia.

I have my secret weapon though. The small basket floats several feet behind my board, carrying my home-made chips. Just the slightest dash of vinegar and cyanide. Tuck in.

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